New Moon in LEO (Ashleesha)


This New Moon is helping us uncoil the knots of our life. In the vedic system, this New Moon sits at the gateway point between Cancer and Leo. It bridges our hearts with the solar plexus, and as the precursor to Leo season, asks us to get clear on who we are. This next month is here to remind us that who we are is coloured by who we love, how we love, and to help us identify the pain points in our hearts. Ashleesha is symbolised by a coiled serpent, and rules the rising of  our own Kundalini energy. This is about the parts of us seeking divine union between our inner masculine and feminine, the promise for us all.


The challenge of this moon cycle is to see how gracefully we can hold love and pain simultaneously. Through a place of acceptance, our pain is naturally transmuted, to make space for new life, light & fresh air.


On a more literal note, those on the spiritual path can find breakthroughs in meditation or yoga this month. It’s a wonderful time to write, as Mercury is particularly strong now, but will turn retrograde on August 23rd, so we are in this journey until the end of September.


With the Sun in Leo, we luckily have some Fire to balance out the more introverted energy of this monthly cycle. Lean into creativity, play your favourite music, dance it out, and move through the fire of this moon cycle that is here to burn away the old. We have until September 15th, when we begin again with a new story.  

Click above to listen to the free audio reading, or head to the “Readings” page to book a private session with me.

Love, Nymph of Neptune 



Book a Personal reading with me for Q4 of 2023

If you’d like to understand how the astrology of Fall 2023 will trigger your own personal birth chart, click below to receive key insights on the upcoming planetary movements. We have Venus spinning direct on September 4th, which will affect all of our relationships, and Saturn spinning direct on November 4th which will release any obstacles in career. How the eclipses of October will affect you depends on your rising sign. Click below to book.


Nymph of Neptune

I deal with all life areas, including but not limited to career, personal power, relationships, and family conditioning. My sessions will help you become the most authentic version of yourself.

Venus direct in Ashleesha


New Moon in GEMINI