New Moon in Purva Asadha


This is the time to heal our closest relationships and focus on what we can do, today, in the present, to take action towards our goals.

We are all collectively moving through a time of ascension, and this New Moon is aspected by Jupiter, meaning we have the power to find truth and wisdom either through serendipitous meetings with others this January, or through our own personal study. Jupiter is the light, so we have the ability to grasp a solution, or find healing. 

Mars is strong now in Sagittarius, so there can be immense drive and desire to push our personal projects forward, however focus on what you can do for yourself, because Saturn is blocking the fast acceleration of anything right now. There can be impatience because of Mars, so remember that you are not in control, this is the teaching of Saturn. Rewards will come, but after some delay. February will bring acceleration and things will begin to bloom.

Venus is sitting 11 houses from this New Moon, so there can be good news regarding your finances, or a feeling of confidence that you are able to get a handle on any financial imbalances. 

Listen above to the free reading, and if you’d like to schedule a personal session - email me or head to the booking page.

Love, Nymph of Neptune 

Nymph of Neptune

I deal with all life areas, including but not limited to career, personal power, relationships, and family conditioning. My sessions will help you become the most authentic version of yourself.

New Moon in Dhanishta


Full Moon in ARDRA (Cancer)