Preserving that which we love


The astrology of January 2024 (and the Beckham documentary) got me thinking about what it means to preserve what we love. When we are off balance, or not in our right mind…what can we lean into, in order to safeguard ourselves against sabotage?

What does it mean to preserve something? The more I study the ancient science of vedic astrology, the more I realise how subtle the differences between opposites are. As I recently explored the astrology of January 2024, and noticed that both Mercury and Mars pass through Moola Nakshatra, which is a transformative and destructive nakshatra, I thought about how we can safeguard against the potentially destructive tendencies that these transits can stir up in us. If the purpose of astrology is to know what’s coming our way, so that we can adopt behaviour and habits that help us rise towards our higher selves, then let us name those habits.

The word Moola literally means root or source in Sanskrit, and when planets pass through this part of Sagittarius, we can feel our inner detective awaken, as people who have this in their birth charts know how to instantly get to the bottom of a matter. However this tendency can mean we might be tempted to dig up soil, where instead the seeds need protection from interference.

Osho and Sadghuru both have Moola placements in their birth charts - this part of Sagittarius is all about getting to the root of a matter, so it is very concerned with naming Truth.

When meditating on the astrology of January 2024, I thought to myself, how can we preserve that which is precious? 

What does preservation look like? 

After watching the Beckham documentary on Netflix, and having had my own partner be unfaithful earlier this year, I thought of how the Beckhams retreated to the alps for a ski holiday to get away from Madrid when the rumours of David’s affair surfaced. In order to preserve their marriage, they needed privacy and seclusion. Like incubating a small baby when it is fragile, preservation usually involves some sort of protective measure. 

In order to preserve the peace in our relationships between December and January, keep sweet speech and lean towards generosity. Aim to listen more, and time take before verbally responding while Mercury finds direct motion. Double down on your meditation practice, and enjoy the insights that may come through dreams or while meditating. Find a project to pour your Moola-driven focus into. Yoga and gardening are both fantastic activities to lean into as we crossover into 2024.

Focus on preserving that which is important. 

Preservation of your wealth might look like healthier spending habits, or budgeting for specific rewards.

Preservation of a relationship might look differently to each of us, what does it feel like to you this month? 

I’d love to hear from you if this essay speaks to your personal experience, email me to chat!

With Love,

Nymph of Neptune

Nymph of Neptune

I deal with all life areas, including but not limited to career, personal power, relationships, and family conditioning. My sessions will help you become the most authentic version of yourself.

Full Moon in ARDRA (Cancer)


Mercury direct in Moola