New Moon Solar Eclipse in ARIES


This New Moon comes in at the final degree of Aries, asking us to believe in ourselves (Aries) while also cooperating with others due to the Libra counter- balance of this eclipse. I cannot help but sprinkle in some vedic astrology insights for you this week, as there is so much to be said. On the 21 st April in the vedic system, Jupiter enters Aries which signals a significant new beginning for everyone. Furthermore, Jupiter will be conjunct with Rahu, the hungry head of the dragon that always searches for more. Translation? Any important new projects begun shortly after this New Moon should find swift completion between now and October thanks to Rahu and Jupiter.

Rahu signifies sudden acceleration, unexpected advances and restlessness. In the two weeks following this New Moon, it’s important to stay connected to your spiritual practice, eat the right foods and stay grounded. Restless thoughts and unexpected changes or feelings are part of the picture with this New Moon. From now until mid June, we will all have to toe the balance between the desire for bigger and better, and the Libran opposite of compromise and equilibrium. There will be obstacles and lessons for those whose ego expands too wide during this time.

Jupiter is the teacher of the zodiac, so there can be wisdom and spiritual truths uncovered in the coming weeks if we stay open to receiving. Due to the nature of this eclipse being so supercharged with Jupiter and Rahu together in the fiery sign of Aries, it’s important to stay open to counsel or guidance in order to balance out the strong ego desires which might arise from within.

Love, Nymph of Neptune 

Nymph of Neptune

I deal with all life areas, including but not limited to career, personal power, relationships, and family conditioning. My sessions will help you become the most authentic version of yourself.

New Moon in TAURUS


Full Moon in LIBRA