New Moon Solar Eclipse in REVATI

APril 2024

Welcome to Eclipse season! The New Moon Solar Eclipse on April 8th is in the nakshatra of Revati, a wealth giving and abundant nakshatra. Mercury is retrograde, and Venus is exalted in Pisces, so there is a lot of room for healing and compassionate exchanges in the first few weeks of April. As the sun comes together with the north node and chiron, this is an excellent time to transform and let go, so you can freely step into a new experience. This astrology is not for the faint of heart! 

In ancient times eclipses were regarded with fear and awe in equal parts. The astronomy behind an eclipse says a lot about what it means. The nodes of the moon (rahu and ketu) cover up the moon, meaning that where a full moon would normally illuminate and reveal something in our lives, under an eclipse, we cannot see clearly- there is an astral body blocking the Moon - therefore blocking the usual illumination.

Astrology being sometimes beautifully simple, and a humanistic reflection of the astronomy - this means that we are less empowered under an eclipse. We have less vision, and perhaps cannot fully understand what is happening. Imagine watching a play at the theatre, when the lights go down in between acts, and all the furniture is moved around - that is your eclipse season! Our ancestors understood this, which is why no auspicious events like battles or coronations were planned during an eclipse. From April 8th until April 23rd is a time of releasing and purging habits that don’t serve you. It’s a good time to heal any relationships that need some tlc.

For those of you with a strong spiritual practice - the day of the eclipse is a good time to eat a vegetarian diet, pray, meditate or even fast. This will help you align with the energy of the eclipse, as it clears away what does not serve you, and prepares you for a new setting after April 8th.

I discuss all of this in the two Eclipse audio readings up on Membership and have made 12 eclipse audio horoscopes to read for your Sun, Moon & Rising sign. Please scroll down to sign up, and find out how to make the most of this eclipse season! 

Love, Nymph of Neptune 

Join Membership to get your Eclipse horoscope & more

I love giving you guys a free New Moon reading every month, because I believe the heart of astrology lies in the monthly Moon Cycles. That’s why i set up my monthly membership, to be able to give you more detailed content, including 2024  year ahead horoscopes for your rising sign & monthly Moon cycle audio readings. Click below to check it out and sign up! You can cancel at any time, no strings attached. 

Nymph of Neptune

I deal with all life areas, including but not limited to career, personal power, relationships, and family conditioning. My sessions will help you become the most authentic version of yourself.

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